Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

3 more days till Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited for Chritstmas!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and  frotunatly the C.Y.S. did come to my friend's house and her mother is not allowed to even touch her, if she does she is to call them back as soon as possible I guess our prayers worked!!!! Thanks again

Oh my gosh this video is hilarious: 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I have a very near and dear friend who has a violent mother that abuses her repeatedly. She beats her, calls her names, and throws things at her. She has just put up with it and "frogave and forgot" everything her mother has done. She is forced to either miss school or cover the scratches and bruises the next day. She is the brightest and happiest person I know...on the outside. Sometimes she actually fears for her life. It made me sick to my stomach to see her go through this, and I didn't know what to tell her except "I'm here for you" and "It'll be o.k." I felt so hopless. I tried telling her to call the police but she said it would ruin her sisters' lives. Last night was the finnal straw. Her mother beat her again repeatedly, her sister threw m&m' s at thier mother to make her stop but it was too late she had alreadythrown her to the ground and covered her in bruises. When she got to school she was so quiet, I knew something was wrong. I asked her what was wrong but she just said I'll tell you later. I finnally realized what was wrong when someone pushed her and she yelled at them to not touch her left arm. I later talked to her about it and we both knew something had to be done. I convinced her to go to the school guidence office and get help. I didn't see her again until the end of lunch I could tell in her eys that she was affraid of what she'd done. If her mother found out that she told the school and she didn't go to jail she'd beat her more, harder, and worse. I offered her my home as a place to stay and she kept it mind. We went up to votech and went home where apparently C.Y.S. would be waiting. Abuse is serious, rather it be verbal, emotional, or physical. Don't be affraid to tell someone. It's not your fault no matter what the circumstances, and if you're affraid you'll hurt a loved one if you get help they'll understand if they truly care about you and rather support you not disown you. My friend is suposed to call tonight or I'll hopfully see her in school tomarrow and I'll keep everyone updated.

please who ever is reading this join me in a prayer: My Lord
God please help my friend over come her fears and stand up for herself and her sisters. Please help her mother realize what she is doing and stop. Have mercy on this woman's soul for she does not know what she is doing and who she's really hurting, one of your children. Please help and watch over all those who suffer from abuse from a loved one or stranger,  help them realize that help is out there. Finnally help them to open there hearts to you if they have not already done so, so that you may help them. In Lord Jesus's name, Amen.

Thank you so much everyone, you are truley a blessing. I know if my "sister" (best friend) were here she'd be very very thankful as well. Please keep her in your prayers, God Bless

If you are abused or know someone that gets abused go to this site:

Saturday, December 18, 2010

6 more days till Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooo excited for CHRISTmas!!!!!!!!!!! It's my favorite time of  year and it was my grandmother's too. She passed away last year on November 16. It was one the hardest parts of my life and it still effects me today. I was closer to her then my own mother and she always believed in my dreams of  being a great cosmetologist and supported me. Once or twice a month I'd set her hair in rollers for her and she'd either pay me as much as she'd pay her hairstylist or she'd buy me things like new shampoo capes, clips, combs and products. So this year as you open your presents try to rember those that have passed on and think of the true meaning of CHRISTmas.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Woooo Hoooo my first post!!!!!!

I'm soooooooooooo excited after checking out Kandee Johnson's blog I finnally decided to make one! YAY!!!!!!!!!