Saturday, January 1, 2011


I believe we need to start an Internet wide prayer list. Just imagine, in the Bible it says something about when two or more are gathered in the lord's name their prayers will be answered. (please do not quote me on it or comment anything like I don't know the Bible or anything because it's been a while since I've read that part!) If we could get a prayer list out to the entire Internet, oh, what we could accomplish! so please join me in adding to the list. Comment below the people you know that need prayed for. They don't have to be full names, actually I'd rather prefer you didn't include full names. All we need is their first name and what to pray for them about and if not anybody else I'll pray for them personally and I know my family will as well. I will make a separate blog for the list very soon and I'll post updates and links so keep checking. I know together we can make a huge difference if we just work together with GOD. Thanks for believing in my dreams GOD BLESS!

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